The Lost A Track

The Lost A Track
2 min readSep 2, 2021


Life began at 3:20 in the morning. While everyone lie asleep, I was planning my entrance, a little early and on my own timing. I was almost born in the car. The doctor didn’t get there in time to deliver me as I was adamant to deliver myself into the world. Fearless. Impatient. Eager. I’ve been just as persistent, diving headfirst into everything ever since.

Everything with the exception of this, the introduction of my blog. It’s something I approach with uncertainty. Over the years, I’ve wanted to do something with my writing but could never bring myself to do so, until now.

The start of this blog has been in the works for months. I spend my time harping over small details, creating logos, wondering if people will read it, wondering if they’d understand. I decided that I was procrastinating and that wasn’t going to get my blog published. Underneath the procrastination is my fear of inadequacy. The weight of the perpetual question that I often ask myself ever present: Am I good enough?

People spend a lot of time living in fear, myself included. Not the fight or flight kind but the ‘what if’ kind. It’s the most dangerous type of fear to live in. It dictates your life and ultimately the type of life you will live. I’m not sure if the fear is rooted in failure or in time wasted. Truth is, I waste an inordinate amount of time and I fail a lot, so why the hesitation? It’s a combination of things. Failure, time wasted, rejection and looking back on your old writings one day and cringing. But scarier than all those things is not exploring an interest or a passion that could potentially be a gift and living with those consequences.

To combat some of those feelings of insecurity, I’ve detached myself from the outcome of this project. It may succeed. It may fail. The goal of this blog is to be relatable, entertaining, and to share my perspective. The worst that could happen is that I’m trolled by internet bullies, no one likes it, or worst of all, no one reads it. Best case scenario, people enjoy it. Either way, no one dies and no one is harmed (excluding my potential hurt feelings), so I’d say it’s worth the risk…

Fearful, impatient, eager and on my own timing, I’ve arrived at the conclusion of an introduction.




The Lost A Track

The Lost A Track is authored by a blooming writer in Houston, TX.